As a Medicaid Dentist Indianapolis We Can Treat Your Oral Health Problems

As a Medicaid dentist in Indianapolis, we can provide the dental care that you need while billing Medicaid for it.  Medicaid is social health care or a government insurance program, for people with low incomes and limited resources, including children and their parents, people with disabilities, pregnant women, the elderly, etc. In fact, adults with low incomes usually solely rely on Medicaid for dental coverage. However, it is entirely up to the individual dentist as to whether or not they wish to see patients enrolled in the system. They can also choose how many Medicaid patients they wish to treat, or what percentage of their practice they wish to devote to Medicaid beneficiaries. Some dentists select only to work with patients who have private insurance.  We, however, are happy to treat patients that are on Medicaid and are committed to providing the highest level of patient care, regardless of how your dental work is being paid for.
Since not everyone takes this form of insurance, it can often make it difficult and frustrating to find an approved dentist in your immediate area if you are on Medicaid, with smaller cities generally having fewer resources than larger ones. Medicaid recipients may often discover they have to travel to another county or city to find an approved dentist. However, if you live in the area and are looking for a Medicaid dentist in Indianapolis, we will provide you with the same quality care that we provide to all of our patients.  This eliminates the need for you to travel outside of the area for dental care.
Not only are there fewer and fewer dentists that will accept this kind of government insurance, but all too often the services offered Medicaid beneficiaries are limited to the more routine dental treatments, such as filling cavities, cleaning, extractions, and usually X-rays. However, the more extensive and expensive dental procedures, are not always covered, unless the dentist can make a case for why they are medically necessary – something that we can do.
The problem is that simply because a person is on Medicaid in no way diminishes their need of good oral health, which contributes towards overall general good health. Additionally, the early signs of nutritional deficiencies and even systemic diseases like HIV are often seen in the mouth. Early detection means the disease or deficiency can be treated right away which  not only improves the quality of the patient’s life, but also extends the person’s life span.
As a registered Medicaid dentist in Indianapolis, we believe that every visit to the dentist should be as stress free as possible, which is why we always keep the patient’s comfort at the forefront of our minds, regardless of whether you need a routine general checkup or more extensive dental work.  Given our experience working within the Medicaid system, we can process the paperwork so that the dental procedures you need to be completed, can get approved.  If you live in the Indianapolis make an appointment to come in for a consultation.  We will be more than happy to address any concerns, and answer any questions you may have.